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Table 3b Comparison of parafoveal flow profile between the two subgroups of patients

From: Macular microvasculature in patients with thyroid-associated orbitopathy: a cross-sectional study

Parafoveal flow profile (percent)


Patients with CAS ≥ 3, Mean ± SD

Patients with CAS < 3, Mean ± SD

P-value [95% Confidence Interval of the Difference]


Parafoveal SVD

46.30 ± 5.87

47.73 ± 8.52

0.492 [-2.46, 5.32]


Parafoveal SVD-temporal

45.70 ± 5.09

46.99 ± 8.84

0.534 [-2.54, 5.12]


Parafoveal SVD-superior

46.76 ± 7.16

48.32 ± 8.36

0.472 [-2.65, 5.77]


Parafoveal SVD-nasal

45.74 ± 5.85

46.33 ± 9.11

0.787 [-3.46, 4.64]


Parafoveal SVD-inferior

46.82 ± 7.83

49.55 ± 8.75

0.239 [-1.78, 7.22]


Parafoveal DVD

51.70 ± 5.21

55.23 ± 6.33

0.033 [0.39, 6.66]


Parafoveal DVD-temporal

51.91 ± 6.79

55.13 ± 6.67

0.088 [-0.49, 9.93]


Parafoveal DVD-superior

49.53 ± 6.92

55.45 ± 6.47

0.002 [2.26, 9.58]


Parafoveal DVD-nasal

52.70 ± 5.22

55.57 ± 6.17

0.075 [-0.30, 6.05]


Parafoveal DVD-inferior

50.76 ± 6.25

54.54 ± 6.70

0.039 [0.24, 7.32]

  1. †considered statistically significant
  2. SVD: Superficial Vessel Density, DVD: Deep Vessel Density, FAZ: Foveal Avascular Zone