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Fig. 6 | Thyroid Research

Fig. 6

From: Apoptosis induction by combination of drugs or a conjugated molecule associating non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and nitric oxide donor effects in medullary thyroid cancer models: implication of the tumor suppressor p73

Fig. 6

In vivo effect of GTN plus indomethacin association on growth of TT xenografts in nude mice. Indomethacin was administrated in drinking water (2 mg/kg of body weight × day). Mice treated by GTN received Nitronal sc injections each two days (100 μl during the first week and 150 μl/20 g body weight the second week of treatment). a Effect on tumor volumes. The GTN-indomethacin/GTN association stopped the growth of TT tumors from D7 to D12. Significant differences were revealed between tumor volumes by ANOVAs (P < 0.0001 combination group versus control, P < 0.05 combination group versus GTN treated group; control group, n = 5, GTN treated group, n = 5 and indomethacin/GTN association, n = 4). * = P < 0.05, ** = P < 0.01 (Fisher tests versus control at D9 or D12). b A microphotography of immunostaining of caspase 3 protein revealed numerous apoptotic cells (dark dots) in indomethacin/GTN treated tumors. No staining was observed in the two other groups of tumor

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