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Table 2 Mean (SD) ThyPRO scale scores for patients with toxic nodular goiter and the general reference population. Scale range 0–100, worse symptoms / more impact with increasing score

From: Long term outcome after toxic nodular goitre


Toxic nodular goitre

(n = 143–170)

Danish general population

(n = 707–712)



Goiter Symptoms

9 (13)

5 (9)

4 (2 to 6)a

Hyperthyroid Symptoms

17 (16)

11 (13)

6 (3 to 8) a

Hypothyroid Symptoms

18 (18)

14 (15)

4 (2 to 8) a

Eye Symptoms

16 (17)

8 (10)

8 (7 to 11) a


37 (25)

35 (21)

2 (-2 to 6)

Cognitive Complaints

16 (20)

14 (17)

2 (-1 to 6)


19 (25)

13 (16)

6 (3 to 11) a


26 (21)

21 (18)

5 (1 to 8) a

Emotional Susceptibility

21 (20)

23 (19)

2 (-1 to 6)

Impaired Social Life

7 (14)


Impaired Daily Life

16 (24)



24 (32)


Overall QoL Impact scale

8 (14)


Composite scale

15 (27)

  1. a Significant difference